General Manager jobs in Cork City & County
General Manager jobs in Cork City & County come from different types of accommodation. These range from small guesthouses to large 5* resorts. In each of these establishments there tends to be a manager. Be they the manager of a small guesthouse or a General Manager in a big 4/5* Hotel
So, if you want to be a General Manager of a Hotel in Cork, how do you go about it? The majority of hotels always like to progress their staff through the ranks. Many Hotel General Manager in Cork will tell you that they started off somewhere as a Duty Manager/Sales Exec etc.
Like other major cities there are many hotel management jobs throughout Cork. Salary usually depends on your experience, what type of hotel you have come from i.e. 3/4/5*. Furthermore, it depends on the type of skills you can bring to the table i.e rooms/revenue/F&B and your proven track record in hotels. A General Manager of a 4* hotel will usually command a salary of €80k+, ranging all the way up to €100k+. For a General Manager of a large 4/5* hotel, there is usually a bonus incentive on top of that.
There are also many Recruitment Agencies in Cork specialising in Senior Management positions where the owner might feel the need to cast the search a bit wider. This is a way to compare the market against the senior managers they currently have who could be next in line for the General Manager position. Trying to pick the best recruitment agency in Cork…it really does depend on what you are looking for and what your skills are. The best hotel recruitment agency will generally match your skills to your desired position.
Of course like any position you apply for, it is always best to do your own research beforehand. For example, you can go in to the hotel and have a coffee or a meal. This will give you a better idea of the type of hotel before you apply. Contact any of our team to discuss General Manager jobs in Cork. Otherwise, click here to view all our current hotel manager jobs.