Generally, at this time of year there are lots of different types of Christmas jobs Dublin has on offer. Of course, 2020 has been a year that 1. We will never forget and 2. Most likely never see anything like it again. So as a result, a lot of the Christmas Jobs Dublin would normally have, are not happening this year. The is due to the current pandemic of COVID-19 and the effect is it having on every economy around the world. However, while there may not be as many as normal, there are still lots of Christmas jobs to be got. Depending on what part of the Country you are in. Let us look at some of the roles that are on offer
Christmas Jobs Dublin City Centre
Ah Dublin, the Capital of Ireland, and a major European City. Home to over 1 million people and thousands of retails shops and hospitality outlets. Some of the jobs on offer would-be part-time retail sales assistants. These would most likely be in the large well known busy retail stores. Hours would vary from early morning to late at night shifts. These could be 4-6 hours shift 5 days a week during peak times. Or they could be long days 2-3 per week. Depending on the store. Then there is the hospitality sector. All hospitality outlets require extra Christmas staff. Mostly in the food and beverage department to help. Again, these are usually 4-5 hours shifts in the evening time or at busy weekends. There are also many Santa grottos and Christmas experiences that would normally happen around this time. All these attractions require staff for a few weeks at least
So, there are plenty of Christmas jobs to be got this time of year in Dublin. You just need to take the time to see which one works best for you. Best of luck
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