Chef Jobs Kilkenny
So, you want to live and work as a chef in Kilkenny? Well you first need to find out if there are any chef jobs in Kilkenny. Kilkenny is a vibrant City, surrounded by such beautiful Counties as Carlow and Waterford. It is also on 1.5 hours from Dublin. This makes it a central town in Leinster for work. So where are all these chefs’ jobs? Kilkenny is home to lots of hotels/bar and restaurants. Pre COVID-19 19 there were lots of chef jobs Kilkenny had to offer. However, all this has changed, for the moment at least.
To start its always best to check which hospitality outlets are hiring. You may want to be a chef in a small local Café. Or you may want to make a career out of cheffing. You could start off in one of the many beautiful hotels that Kilkenny has to offer. From there with hard work and dedication, you could work your way to a senior role. Lots of successful Head Chefs got to the top by sheer hard work and dedication. They will also tell you they had a passion for cooking and a buzz for the kitchen.
Kilkenny-A Vibrant City
Kilkenny is a special City, one where you can get the Hussle and bustle of the City. Then within 20 mins you could be in the middle of the Irish Countryside. A lot of chef jobs Kilkenny has to offer would also provide staff accommodation. This is great if your hotel is out in the Countryside. After a hard 10-12 hours in the kitchen you could go back to your accommodation and enjoy the scenic surroundings of the beautiful Countryside
It is always a good idea to register with a reputable recruitment agency. One who will offer you good career advice and steer you in the right direction.
Check out Action Recruitments latest jobs here