When it comes to chef jobs, Cork is the place to be. Since Cork is the second largest city in the country with the most beds after Dublin, it is no surprise the culinary scene is well developed. Regardless if you are looking for chef jobs in hotels or restaurants, Cork is a smart choice.
Before you continue reading check out our current offer of chef jobs, Cork related or not. You can also read more about chef jobs in Ireland on this link.
But let’s get back to chef jobs in Cork. As we mentioned, Cork has over 10 000 beds and attracts millions of tourists every year. That’s without taking into account the number of restaurants. If you’re an experienced chef, in Cork you will have your pick of different cuisines, properties and venues. There is a little something for everyone.
Quality of life in Cork
Since a job isn’t the only standard by which you measure the quality of life, there are a couple of things you need to consider if you’re thinking of moving to Cork.
Though it’s a lively city with rich history, Cork unfortunately has a reputation of being one of the most expensive cities in Ireland. Especially when it comes to accommodation. So, if you’re thinking of relocating just check out the local prices, both of housing and the purchasing power of its people. You will definitely fall in love with the city but do your research first. You can always consult one of our favourite sites for such comparisons here.
If you’re coming from abroad, definitely consult either your hospitality headhunter or do a lot of research beforehand. What ever the case may be, we wish you a warm welcome to Cork and Ireland in general.
If you have some questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to any member of our team.